o implement Department responsibilities under Section 287.063 and 287.064, F.S. To amend Rule 69I-3.001, F.A.C., to implement Department responsibilities under Section 287.064, F.S. In 2008, Section 25, Chapter 2008-227, Laws of Florida, amending Section 287.064, F.S., modified approval criteria and allowed a master financing program for contracts approved by the Department under Section 489.145, F.S., for guaranteed energy, water, and wastewater performance savings contracting. Chapter 2008-227, Laws of Florida, also amended Section 287.063, F.S., adding requirements to the criteria stated in Section 287.063, F.S., for allowing an agency to seek financing without using the Consolidated Equipment Finance Program (CEFP). A new rule is being promulgated to reflect these statutory changes, and to separate the rules related to Section 287.063, F.S., exceptions to the CEFP from Rule 69I-3.001, F.A.C., which addresses rules for the CEFP. Finally, Rule 69I-3.003, F.A.C., is being repealed. Since Rule 69I-3.001, F.A.C., is being modified to address the CEFP, and update the definitions and procurement process associated with that program, there is no longer a need for this rule. Rule 19A-5.0035, F.A.C., which establishes the procedure for negotiation and award of the Master Equipment Financing Agreement for this program and Rule 69I-3.001, F.A.C., establishes how it is administered by the Department, will replace this rule.