
68B-58.001 will be created to designate swordfish as a restricted species. 68B-58.003 will be amended to modify the minimum cleithrum to keel length measurement to be 25 inches. Rule 68B-58.004 will be given a new title and amended to provide exceptions from recreational bag and vessel limits to persons commercially harvesting swordfish pursuant to the new federal Swordfish General Commercial permit or a federal HMS Charter/Headboat permit when not operating as a vessel for-hire. 68B-58.005 will be created to clarify state waters will close to commercial harvest of swordfish when adjacent federal waters close. 68B-58.006 will be created to clarify that hook and line is the only allowable gear to harvest swordfish in state waters, and also allow swordfish legally harvested with other gears in federal waters to transit though state waters. Requirements for sale will be modified in 68B-58.007 to require a restricted species endorsement to sell swordfish, allow commercial fishermen operating under the federal Swordfish General Commercial permit or a federal HMS Charter/Headboat permit when not operating as a vessel for-hire to sell swordfish and require wholesale dealers initially purchasing swordfish to possess a federal Atlantic swordfish dealer permit. Federal rule references will be modified in 68B-58.011 to update the federal citation in this subsection.