
The District has identified seasonal low, medium and high flow periods for the Braden River. Short-term minimum flow compliance standards were developed for each of these periods using a “building block” approach. The Minimum Low Flow for the low flow period (Block 1, May 7 through June 19) is the natural flow minus 15% at the Braden River USGS gage near Lorraine. For the Minimum High Flow for the high flow period (Block 3, June 20 through October 24), is a stepped flow reduction of 19% and 10% of the historic flows, with the step occurring at the 15% exceedance flow (54 cfs) at the Braden River USGS gage near Lorraine. For the medium flow period (October 25 to May 6) it was determined that changes in habitat availability for fish and macroinvertebrates determined the Minimum Medium Flow. The Minimum Medium Flow is established as the flow less 11% at the Braden River USGS gage near Lorraine. Five and ten year means and medians are proposed as long-term compliance standards.