: The purpose of this rule amendment is to establish regionally-specific open seasons for the recreational harvest of bay scallops by modifying the regulations found in 68B-18.005, Florida Administrative Code.
The bay scallop fishery supports a popular, family-friendly activity and is an important economic driver for coastal communities in the Big Bend and eastern Panhandle regions. Beginning in June 2016, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (Commission) embarked on a public feedback campaign to determine how to best maximize the benefits of this fishery for both recreational
harvesters and local economies. Staff held a series of meetings with community leaders in 2016 and public workshops in 2017 to gather feedback on bay scallop socioeconomic factors, other issues important to the communities, and long-term management desires for the bay scallop fishery. Discussions included a variety of management considerations and potential impacts that could be associated with changes to the scallop fishery. Online comments were also accepted through the FWC Saltwater Comment webpage. In general, stakeholders broadly supported continuing with a regionally-specific season structure that was implemented throughout the open harvest area in 2017 on a trial basis, but requested FWC consider additional minor changes to the season dates that provided an opportunity for a better scalloping experiences for the public and maximized benefits to the regions.
Based on public feedback received and in consideration of the need to ensure the sustainability of bay scallop populations throughout the open harvest area, the proposed rule will establish regionally-specific open seasons for the recreational harvest of bay scallops within the area open to the harvest of bay scallops.
The effect of this rule will be to divide Florida Waters that are open to the harvest of bay scallops into three separate regions for the purpose of establishing regionally-specific harvest season dates. These regulatory changes are based on public feedback received regarding regionally-specific bay scallop management changes that were made on a trial basis for 2017.