
The purpose of the rule revisions is to conform the rules and Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan format to changes made by the 2006 Florida Legislature in Chapters 2006-71 and 2006-192, Laws of Florida; to clarify language regarding financial instability; to revise the Affidavit of Compliance with Screening Requirement form to add level 2 screening and annual submission as required in Section 435.04, F.S.; and to remove the time frame for clinical records retention since it is stated in 400.491, F.S. The effect will be updated rules with uniform licensure procedures that conform to state laws; a revised Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan format that includes the means by which the same type and quantity of services received in the home will be provided to patients evacuated to special needs shelters; and an updated Affidavit of Compliance with Screening Requirement form for administrators to attest to completion of both level 1 and level 2 screening for staff as required in law.