
This rule development will address the development and amendment of consumptive use permit criteria and conditions relating to the reuse of reclaimed water. The purpose of the rule development is to implement the provisions of Sections 373.250(3)(c)-(d) of the Florida Statutes, which mandate rules to require that permit applicants provide written documentation from a reuse utility on the availability of reclaimed water. The effect of this process will be the development of proposed rule amendments to Chapter 40C-2, F.A.C., and the Applicant’s Handbook: Consumptive Uses of Water (incorporated by reference in subsection 40C-2.101(1), F.A.C.). The amendments will ensure that each permit applicant provides written documentation from a reuse utility on the availability of reclaimed water and will specify the content of the documentation required, including enough information on the availability and costs associated with the connection to and the use of reclaimed water, to facilitate the permit applicant’s evaluation of reclaimed water feasibility.