
The Geographic Names Information System Feature Identifier (GNIS Feature ID) has superseded the Federal Information Processing System 55 (FIPS 55) database place code as the federal and national standard geographical feature record identifier. Effective October 3, 2009, the Department’s Address/Jurisdiction Database, maintained by the Department for purposes of assigning communications service addresses and insurance policies and premiums to local taxing jurisdictions, contains a combination of both GNIS Feature ID place codes and FIPS 55 place codes. The FIPS 55 place code will remain as a field in the database. Local taxing jurisdictions submit address/jurisdiction changes to the Department using the Guide for Address Change Requests. This guide contains the required record layout using the specified place codes. Providers of communications services address/jurisdiction database and vendors of such databases may request that the Department certify their database for accuracy of the address/jurisdictions contained within the database. To apply, service providers and database vendors must submit Form DR-700012 (Application for Certification of Communications Services Database) and their database in the required record layout using the specified place codes. The required database layout contains of combination of Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 55 place codes and the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) Feature Identifier place codes. The purpose of the proposed amendments to Rule 12A-19.071, F.A.C. (Department of Revenue Electronic Database), and to Rule 12A-19.100, F.A.C. (Public Use Forms), is to adopt, by reference, updates to Form DR-7000012 and to the Guide for Address Change Requests necessary to update the FIPS 55 place codes and the GNIS Feature Identifier place codes.