
The proposed rule amendment would adjust season dates to conform to calendar year changes and revise specific area regulations on Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) in the Northwest Region as follows: Apalachee WMA – allow any dog for hunting small game (quail, rabbit, squirrel and migratory birds) in Zones B and C; and allow any dog to hunt squirrels during quail season in Zone A. Box-R WMA – during small game season, allow any dog for hunting small game (quail, rabbit, squirrel and migratory birds). Escribano Point WMA – during small game season, allow any dog for hunting small game (quail, rabbit, squirrel and migratory birds). Joe Budd WMA – allow the take of antlerless deer by antlerless deer permit only. Juniper Creek WMA – expand youth spring turkey hunts from one to three 2-day (Saturday and Sunday) hunts (3 U.S. Forest Service-issued zone tags each hunt). Tate’s Hell WMA, Womack Creek Unit – allow the harvest of wild hog during small game season. Additionally, the proposed rule amendment would provide non-substantive technical changes, such as grammatical corrections, language standardization, or clarification of an existing rule.