
The Florida Department of Transportation, District One, is holding a public hearing to present proposed ultimate interchange improvements at I-75/SR 951 in Collier County. The public hearing is held to give interested people the opportunity to express their views regarding future improvements at the interchange. FDOT’s study is considering interchange modifications that would improve roadway capacity and enhance traffic operations and safety at the I-75/SR 951 interchange and at the Davis Boulevard/Collier Boulevard (SR 84/CR 951) intersection. Proposed improvements meet future travel demands and provide acceptable levels-of-service while minimizing potential effects to natural and human environments. We also expect the project will benefit Collier County by increasing movement of freight and enhancing the economic competitiveness of the region. Additional right-of-way is required to produce the project. FDOT carries out a right-of-way acquisition and relocation program in accordance with section 339.09, Florida Statues and Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act of 1970 as amended. The study team has identified potential encroachments on wetlands and floodplains and these areas may be given special consideration under Executive Orders 11990 and 11988. A flyer with the agenda and other project-specific information will be distributed at the Hearing. Additional information can also be obtained from the project website at