
The purpose of the proposed amendments to Rule 12A-1.096, F.A.C. (Industrial Machinery and Equipment for Use in a New or Expanding Business), is to: (1) incorporate the provisions of Chapter 2006-56, L.O.F., which amends Section 212.08(5)(b), F.S. (Machinery and equipment used to increase productive output); and (2) revise the requirements for the administration of the exemption provided for industrial machinery and equipment used in a new or expanding business consistent with Section 212.08(5)(b), F.S., as amended. Chapter 2006-56, L.O.F., deletes the $50,000 tax threshold per calendar year on the purchase of industrial machinery and equipment used to increase productive output by certain industries. All industries will no longer be required to meet the $50,000 tax threshold per calendar year. This law also revises the exemption for machinery and equipment used in mining operations by removing the requirement that the exemption is only available by taking a credit against severance taxes and removing the requirement that mining operations must show an increase in the creation of new jobs. The proposed amendments remove these obsolete requirements. The proposed amendments to Rule 12A-1.097, F.A.C. (Public Use Forms), adopt, by reference, changes to Form DR-1214, Application for Temporary Tax Exemption Permit.