
The purpose of the rule is to implement a comprehensive assessment process that will be used to identify support needs for recipients of Home and Community-Based services, Developmental Disability Waiver Services, and general revenue funded services from the Agency for Persons with Disabilities once eligibiity is established. The rule shall identify appropriate assessment strategies to identify the types and levels of support a person with developmental disabilities may require now and in the near-term future. The assessment instrument will be applied to measure the skills and abilities of the person eligible for services and the types and levels of support a person with developmental disabilities may need to assist them with life changes while living, working, fulfilling valued roles, and participating in his/her community. The assessment will evaluate a full range of adaptive, behavioral, and physical needs, including sight, hearing, communication, and ambulation. The rule will also establish an administration schedule for targeted groups on the Developmental Disabilities waiver, the Family and Supported Living Waiver and the Consumer Directed Care Plus program, and all other persons receiving services from the Agency under other funding sources, or on the wait list for service.