Rule 25-30.436, F.A.C., is amended to require e-filing of rate case application documents and to reduce the number of paper copies of documents that need to be filed; to incorporate the filing requirements for Class C water and wastewater utilities that were previously in Rule 25-30.443 , F.A.C.; the requirement for an affidavit of compliance with Rule 25-22.0407, F.A.C., is change to requiring a statement signed by a utility officer; land record requirement language is updated for consistency with other rules; the Commission designee is changed to the Director of the office of primary responsibility for the rate filing; and the rule defines the “good cause” that is required for an extension of time for submitting rate case expense following issuance of the final order. Rule 25-30.437, F.A.C., is amended to state that the rule requirements apply to Class C water and wastewater utilities, which were duplicated in Rule 25-30.443, F.A.C.; the engineering requirements previously in Rule 25-30.440, F.A.C., are merged into Rule 25-30.437, F.A.C. As a result of Rules 25-30.440 and 25-30.443, F.A.C., being merged into other rules, they are repealed as unnecessary. Rules 25-30.438 and 25-30.4385, F.A.C., are repealed as obsolete and unnecessary.