The meeting agenda will consist of approval of minutes of the State Board meeting held January 21, 2014. Updates will be provided by President Jim Henningsen on behalf of the Council of Presidents and Superintendent Jenkins on behalf of the Florida Association of District School Superintendents. Items for consideration include action relating to the following: Amendment to Rule 6A-1.09401, Student Performance Standards; Amendment to Rule 6A-1.09412, Course Requirements Grades K-12 Basic and Adult Secondary Programs; Amendment to Rule 6A-1.09414, Course Requirements Grades PK-12 Exceptional Student Education; New Rule 6A-1.0016, Application for and Issuance and Revocation of Master School Identification Numbers; Amendments to Rules Relating to Exceptional Student Education: 6A-6.03028, Provision of Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) and Development of Individual Educational Plans for Students with Disabilities; 6A-6.0331, General Education Intervention Procedures, Identification, Evaluation, Reevaluation and the Initial Provision of Exceptional Education Services; and 6A-6.03311, Procedural Safeguards and Due Process Procedures for Parents and Students with Disabilities; Amendment to Rule 6A-1.09441, Requirements for Programs and Courses Which are Funded Through the Florida Education Finance Program and for Which the Student May Earn Credit Toward High School Graduation; Amendment to Rule 6A-1.09941, State Uniform Transfer of High School Credits; Amendment to Rule 6A-1.0995, Form of High School Diplomas and Certification of Completion; Amendment to Rule 6A-6.0253, Diabetes Management; and Repeal of Rules Relating to Educator Quality: 6A-10.090, General; 6A-10.091, Definitions; 6A-10.092, Administrative and Supervisory Requirements; 6A-10.093, Analysis of Individual Needs and Potential; 6A-10.094, Instructional Procedures; 6A-10.095, Communication Skills; 6A-10.096, Management Techniques; 6A-10.097, Competence in Specialization; 6A-10.098, Evaluation of Learning and Goal Achievement; 6A-10.099, Human and Interpersonal Relationships; 6A-10.0991, Personal Requirements. Other items for consideration include: Approval of Request from Eastern Florida State College for a BAS in Applied Health Sciences; Renaissance Charter School, Inc., and Renaissance Charter School at Seminole vs. School Board of Seminole County; Renaissance Charter School, Inc., and Renaissance Charter School A vs. School Board of Orange County; Renaissance Charter School, Inc., and Renaissance Charter School B vs. School Board of Orange County; Renaissance Charter School, Inc., and Renaissance Charter School C vs. School Board of Orange County; Golden Gate Scientific Leadership Academy, Inc. vs. School Board of Polk County; Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Not Exceeding $130,000,000 State of Florida, Full Faith and Credit, State Board of Education Public Education Capital Outlay (PECO) Refunding Bonds, 2014 Series (to be determined); and Policy Issue for Concurrence on the Proposed School Accountability Plan.