
The purpose of this rule development is to amend the State Requirements for Educational Facilities 2014 (SREF), incorporated by reference. Changes in the publication include: clarifying a provision for how Florida College System institution boards of trustees must account for and may expend the proceeds from the sale of real property; deleting references to state universities made obsolete by the State University System Board of Governors’ regulations; amending the Size of Space and Occupant Design Criteria Table (A) Public School, Vocational-Technical and Related Spaces for Public Schools and Vocational-Technical Schools, to add a code and specifications for a Resource Room for Computer Testing; making a technical correction to the project cost threshold for which a surety bond is required, to conform to the provisions of section 255.05(1)(d), Florida Statutes; identifying information required to be submitted to the department through the Educational Facilities Information System without requiring the collection of or the reporting of additional data; and making technical corrections in legal citations, citations of the Florida Building Code and grammar; to incorporate the most recently compiled Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Department of Labor, 29 C.F.R. Parts 1910 and 1926 (replacing the outdated compilations), Rule 14-15, F.A.C., Manual of Uniform Minimum Standards for Design, Construction and Maintenance for Streets and Highways; AASHTO Load and Resistance Factor Design Bridge Design Specifications; Department of Transportation, Office of Maintenance, Bridge Load Rating Manual; and Department of Transportation Drainage Manual; to delete the following forms made obsolete by implementation of the Educational Facilities Information System: OEF 110A - Project Implementation Information; OEF 110B - Certificate of Occupancy; OEF 208 - Letter of Transmittal; OEF 208A - Facility Space Chart/Net and Gross Square Footage; OEF 209 - Certificate of Final Inspection; OEF 220 - Building Permit Application; OEF LCCA-1 - Life Cycle Cost Analysis; and to make other revisions necessary to update or clarify the text of the rule or incorporated documents.