Clarifies reinstatement of a previously certified officer’s certification; adds a new penalty guideline for the new violation of “Misuse of Electronic Databases”; updates the Equivalency-of Training form CJSTC-76; adds other private criminal justice facilities that contract with the Florida Department of Children and Families; clarifies when a Letter of Acknowledgement shall not be issued; deletes conflicting rule language; revises the penalty guideline for the violation of “Misuse of Official Position”; adds the violation of “Misuse of Electronic Databases” and penalty guideline; adds the violation for “Intentional Abuse of Temporary Employment Authorization” and the penalty guideline; adds the violation of “Any willful and offensive exposure or exhibition of his or her sexual organs in public or on the private premises of another... and the penalty guideline; revises the name of “Patrol Canine Team” to “canine team”; revises the “Patrol Canine Evaluator” to “Canine Evaluator”; revises the “Proficiency Examination” to “Performance Evaluation”; adds the new 480-hour Canine Team Training course and updates rule reference; revises the “Patrol Canine Team Certification” name to “Canine Team Certification”; revises the Canine Team Certification Application form CJSTC-70; adds new canine team certification requirements; adds procedures for the updated Canine Team Training Course; creates a new Canine Course Equivalency Checklist form CJSTC-70A; adds procedures for equivalent canine team training; revises the Canine Team Performance Evaluation form CJSTC-83; adds procedures for completing canine team performance evaluations; updates the Canine Team Certification renewal dates; deletes redundant form name references and updates rule reference; adds procedures for obtaining certification for an expired Patrol Canine Team Certification; revises the Canine Team Certification Deficiency Notification Application form CJSTC-270; makes grammatical revision; adds new procedures for instructing the updated Canine Team Training course; adds the requirement for canine team evaluators to complete specific documents; and adds new canine team training maintenance requirements.