
11B-27.0011(3): Clarifies the documents required for the Commission to consider reinstatement of a previously certified officer. 11B-27.0011(4)(c)14.a.-e.: Adds “Misuse of Electronic Databases” as a new officer violation because of increased officer violations. 11B-27.002(3)(a)11.: Revises the Equivalency-of Training form CJSTC-76 to update the comparable training required in the new Florida Law Enforcement Academy program and to clarify the procedures for submitting form CJSTC-76 to Commission staff. 11B-27.00211(2)(a): Adds the name of Florida Department of Children and Families required to submit for processing an applicant’s fingerprints to FDLE. 11B-27.004(9)(e): Adds additional rule language to explain when a Letter of Acknowledgement shall not be issued to an officer. 11B-27.005(1)(a)–(b): Deletes rule language that conflicts with Rule 11B-27.004(7) and 11B-27.005, F.A.C., when issuing a Letter of Acknowledgement. 11B-27.005(5)(c)3.: Revises the penalty range for “Misuse of Official Position,” from “suspension” to “suspension to revocation,” because this violation and penalty was originally used for “misuse of electronic databases.” 11B-27.005(5)(c)13.: Adds the violation of “misuse of electronic databases” and the recommended penalty to correspond with the new moral character violation in Rule 11B-27.0011(4)(c)14., F.A.C. 11B-27.005(5)(c)14.: Adds the violation of “Intentional Abuse of Temporary Employment Authorization” and the recommended penalty because of increased officer violations. 11B-27.005(5)(c)15.: Adds the violation of “Any willful and offensive exposure or exhibition of his or her sexual organs in public or on the private premises of another….” and the recommended penalty because of increased officer violations. 11B-27.013(1)(a), 11B-27.013(3)(a), 11B-27.013(5), (5)(a)-(c),11B-27.013(6), and 11B-27.013(6)(c): Revises the name of “Patrol Canine Team” to “canine team” throughout Rule 11B-27.013, F.A.C., to allow for expanded instruction in topics such as search and apprehensive, detection, and tracking and trailing. 11B-27.013(1)(b): Revises the “Patrol Canine Evaluator” to “Canine Evaluator” to allow for expanded instruction in the topics of search and apprehensive, detection, and tracking and trailing, revises the name of the “Proficiency Examination” to “Performance Evaluation” to be consistent with the name of other forms used for courses that require a performance evaluation, and updates the Canine Team Training course to conform with the current curriculum (the course hours increased from 400 to 480 hours, however, this course is not a Commission mandated certification and is an optional course for agencies), and updates a rule reference. 11B-27.013(2): Revises the “Patrol Canine Team Certification” name to “Canine Team Certification” to allow for expanded instruction in the topics of search and apprehensive, detection, and tracking and trailing, and clarifies the procedures for a canine team to obtain equivalent canine training. 11B-27.013(2): Revises the Canine Team Certification Application form CJSTC-70 to conform with the current curriculum. 11B-27.013(3)(b)1.-2.: Requires completion of the updated Canine Team Training course prior to being a certified canine team. 11B-27.013(3)(c): Revises the procedures for completing the updated Canine Team Training course when the course is not delivered at a Commission-certified training school. 11B-27.013(3)(c): Creates the Canine Course Equivalency Checklist form CJSTC-70A to be completed by a Commission-approved evaluator when determining equivalent canine training to conform with the current curriculum. 11B-27.013(3)(d)1.-4.: Revises the procedures for a Commission-approved evaluator to evaluate an equivalent canine training course to conform with the current curriculum. 11B-27.013(3)(e): Reincorporates the Canine Team Performance Evaluation form CJSTC-83 from Rule 11B-27.013(3)(c) to (3)(e) and substantially rewrites the form by reformatting, clarifying the proficiency demonstrations, including an attestment for both the evaluators and applicant, includes additional training information, and revises the canine team performances to conform with the current curriculum. 11B-27.013(3)(e)1.-7.: Updates the procedures for a Commission-approved canine team evaluator when documenting the training of a canine team to conform with the current curriculum. 11B-27.013(4)(a): Updates the Canine Team Certification renewal date to avoid processing renewals during the holiday months. 11B-27.013(4)(b): Deletes redundant form name references and updates the rule reference. 11B-27.013(4)(c): Clarifies the procedures for a canine team to apply for an expired canine team certification. 11B-27.013(5)(c): Revises the name of “Patrol Canine Team” to “canine team” throughout Rule 11B-27.013, F.A.C., to allow for expanded instruction in topics such as search and apprehensive, detection, and tracking and trailing and deletes unnecessary words. 11B-27.013(6)(b): Revises the Canine Team Certification Deficiency Notification Application form CJSTC-270 to require a canine team to complete the updated Canine Team Training course to conform with the current curriculum and updates referenced form names in form CJSTC-270. 11B-27.013(7) & (7)(a): Makes grammatical revisions. 11B-27.013(7)(b): Decreases the number of canine teams from twelve to six for a canine team evaluator to instruct the updated Canine Team Training course to conform with the current curriculum. 11B-27.013(7)(c): Requires an officer to evaluate a minimum of twelve canine teams under the supervision of a Commission-approved evaluator prior to being approved by the Commission as a Canine Team Evaluator to conform with the current curriculum. 11B-27.013(7)(d)-(f): Adds the words “canine team” to “evaluator applicant” for clarification and renumbers the paragraphs. 11B-27.013(7)(g): Updates to require a canine team evaluator to submit a request for evaluator status four years following the date the Commission previously approved the evaluator to conform with the current curriculum.