The petition, filed by the Fleming Island Plantation Community Development District, requests the Commission amend the boundaries of the district. The District currently covers approximately 1,580 acres of land located in Clay County, Florida. The petition proposes to delete approximately 17 acres from the District. After contraction, the District will encompass a total of approximately 1,563 acres. A general location map is contained as Exhibit 1 to the petition depicting the existing District and the location of the parcels to be removed from the District. The Petitioner has obtained written consent to amend the boundary of the District from the owners of 100% of the real property located within the contraction parcels. The owners of land within the contraction parcels are the Clay County School Board, Centex Homes, and New Grace Church, Inc. The favorable action of the District Board of Supervisors constitutes consent for all other lands pursuant to Section 190.046(1)(e), F.S.