
The TMDL addresses the fecal coliform impairment in The TMDL addresses the fecal coliform impairment in Wagner Creek, which was verified as impaired due to elevated fecal coliform levels using the methodology established in Chapter 62-303, Identification of Impaired Surface Waters, Florida Administrative Code, and was included on the list of impaired waters adopted by Secretarial Order on May, 3 2006. The TMDL was developed using the “percent reduction” method and provides the percent reduction in in-stream fecal coliform concentrations needed for the creek to meet applicable water quality criteria for fecal coliform. The proposed TMDL is a “phased” TMDL, as authorized in 403.067(6)(c), Florida Statutes. A phased TMDL, which allows for phased implementation, is appropriate because there is inadequate data available to identify the specific sources of coliform loads.