Section 626.878, F.S., requires adjusters to subscribe to the code of ethics specified in the rules of the Department. Such rules shall implement the provisions of Part VI of Chapter 626, F.S., and specify the terms and conditions of contracts, require practices necessary to ensure fair dealing, prohibit conflicts of interest, and ensure the preservation of the rights of the claimant to participate in the adjustment of claims. The purpose of the proposed amendments is to update the rules and incorporate recent legislative changes to Part VI of Chapter 626, F.S. The proposed amendments to Rule 69B-220.001, F.A.C., define when an “emergency” exists and provide the procedures to obtain an online emergency adjuster license from the Department. The proposed changes to Rule 69B-220.051, F.A.C., clarify the responsibilities and requirements of public adjusters and public adjuster apprentices, specify the terms and conditions of contracts, require the license number on advertisements, and prescribe practices to ensure fair dealing between public adjusters and claimants. The proposed changes to Rule 69B-220.201, F.A.C., update the code of ethics for all adjusters and clarify the responsibilities and requirements of all adjusters.