
This hearing gives people an opportunity to express their views about the location, conceptual design, social, economic, and environmental effects to SR 33 from Old Combee Road to north of Tomkow Road in Polk County, Florida, a distance of approximately 4.3 miles, FPID No. 430185-1-22-01. The study evaluated the proposed widening of SR 33 from two to four lanes and includes the reconstruction of the SR 33 interchange at Interstate 4. In addition, the existing roadway Access Management Classification is proposed to be changed from Access Class 4 (undivided arterial roadway) to Access Class 3 (divided arterial roadway) through the project limits. Right-of-way acquisition is proposed for the build alternative. Potential encroachments on wetlands and floodplains have been identified as a result of the study and may be given special consideration under Executive Orders 11990 and 11988, Protection of Wetlands and Floodplain Management, respectively. Design of the project is funded in the current FDOT Five-Year Work Program in fiscal year 2014. Right-of-way acquisition and construction of the project are not currently funded. Draft project documents and other information will be available for public review through March 10, 2014, during regular business hours at Lakeland Public Library, 100 Lake Morton Drive, Lakeland and at FDOT District One headquarters office, 801 North Broadway, Bartow. People wishing to submit written statements or other exhibits, in place of or in addition to oral statements, may do so at the hearing or by sending them to Mr. Tony Sherrard, Project Manager, FDOT, District One, P.O. Box 1249, Bartow, Florida, 33831. All exhibits or statements postmarked on or before Monday, March 10, 2014 will become a part of the public hearing record.