
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) will conduct a Public Information Meeting on proposed improvements to the I-10 and 95 interchange area from US 17 to the Fuller Warren Bridge in Jacksonville, otherwise known as financial project id #4330361. FDOT recommends the following improvements: Eastbound I-10 to Southbound I-95 •New deceleration lane for the Stockton Off-Ramp. •Widening the I-10 eastbound exit to I-95 south from one to two lanes. •Adding two southbound auxiliary lanes to the Fuller Warren Bridge. Northbound I-95 to Westbound I-10 •Adding one northbound auxiliary lane to the Fuller Warren Bridge. •Widening the ramp from I-95 northbound to I-10 westbound from two to three lanes. A new fly-over from I-95 northbound to Stockton Street and ramp modifications within the interchange area to eliminate weaving on I-10 caused by the ramps from I-95. Estimated Cost: $128 million (includes approximately $20 million for a multi-use path.) This meeting is being held to give interested persons an opportunity to express their views concerning the location, conceptual design, and social, economic and environmental effects of the proposed improvements. Persons who wish to submit written statements may do so at the meeting or send them to the contact person listed below. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability or family status.