The public information meeting will provide the public the opportunity to learn about the roundabout construction project at US 41 from 10th Street to 14th Street, and to speak with project staff. There will be no formal presentation and you may arrive any time between 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.
Improvements being made as part of this project consist of reconstructing the signalized intersections and replacing them with roundabouts, enhancing connectivity, circulation and safety. US 41 will be widened between the two intersections and will include bike lanes as well as dedicated turn lanes, a 10-foot sidewalk along the west side, and a 6-foot sidewalk along the east side. Other improvements include raised islands for pedestrian refuge at the intersections of US 41 at 10th Street and 14th Street, pedestrian signals, LED street lights, landscaping and City of Sarasota utility and underground drainage structure replacements. Project staff will be present to answer questions.