
Rule 25-4.0665, F.A.C., Lifeline Assistance, is amended to clarify that an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) must notify a Lifeline subscriber of impending termination of Lifeline service if there is reason to believe the subscriber no longer qualifies for the service and requires a subscriber to provide proof of continued eligibility for Lifeline service upon request of the ETC, the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) or its designee. The amendment also removes obsolete provisions relating to income eligibility standards inconsistent with current FCC requirements; removes references to state agencies no longer involved in the development of procedures from promoting Lifeline; clarifies that the Commission and the Department of Children and Families may exchange information with ETCs, and the FCC or its designee, in order to enroll eligible customers in Lifeline service; and requires any state agency that determines a person is eligible for Lifeline service to coordinate with the FCC or its designee to verify eligibility.