
The proposed rule will adopt and incorporate the “Competencies and Skills Required for Teacher Certification in Florida, Twenty-Sixth Edition,” effective June 1, 2022, which updates the competencies and skills for eight (8) certification areas to better reflect the Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking (B.E.S.T.) Student Performance Standards in English Language Arts, adopted and incorporated in Rule 6A-1.09401, F.A.C. The proposed rule also updates the names of the following two (2) subject area examinations: Guidance and Counseling PK–12 to School Counseling PK–12 to reflect the name change for the certification area in Rule 6A-4.0181, F.A.C., and Hearing Impaired K–12 to Deaf or Hard of Hearing K–12 to reflect the name change for the certification area in Rule 6A-4.0172, F.A.C.