
Chapter 2020-150, Laws of Florida, codified at section 373.4131(6), F.S., required the Department to adopt rules to update the stormwater design and operation regulations and the Environmental Resource Permit Applicant’s Handbook using the most recent scientific information available. The revisions proposed to Chapter 62-330, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), and the ERP Applicant’s Handbooks under Part IV, Chapter 373, Florida Statutes (F.S), pursuant to this direction, include the following provisions to strengthen Florida’s water resource protections; 1) Updated rule language to provide stormwater design performance criteria and to establish updated practices to ensure increased removals of nutrients from stormwater discharges; 2) New permitting requirements for consistent application of the net improvement performance standard, to ensure significant reductions of pollutant loadings to a waterbody where existing water quality does not meet standards for a stormwater pollutant; and 3) Increased requirements for stormwater operation and maintenance regulations, including new minimum inspection and permitting requirements for entities performing operation and maintenance of permitted stormwater management systems.