he Mediterranean fruit fly, commonly referred to as Medfly, is one of the most destructive pests of citrus and other known fruits and is the most important and widespread pest in the fruit fly group. Medfly attacks more than 260 different fruits and vegetables. In Florida, the pest has been eradicated twelve times, including five major outbreaks. A total of two Medflies have been identified from one Jackson trap removed from a trap location in Pompano Beach, Broward County, on January 31, 2011. If immediate action is not taken to eradicate Medflies from the Pompano Beach area, they will continue to spread and affect agriculture production areas resulting in millions of dollars in production losses and control costs, and impacting consumers through increased prices in the market place. In view of these specific facts and reasons, and in accordance with the constitutional authority conferred upon the Commissioner of Agriculture by the Florida Constitution, Article IV, Section 4, and authorized by Florida Statutes, Sections 570.07(21) (to declare an emergency), and 581.031(7), the Commissioner of Agriculture does hereby find that an immediate danger to the public health, safety and welfare exists and declares a quarantine in Florida host plants and regulated articles as set forth in the emergency rule hereby promulgated.