Part VIII, Chapter 553, Florida Statutes, became effective March 15, 1979. It requires new and substantially renovated buildings, as well as new replacement systems in existing buildings, to meet the requirements of Florida’s Energy Efficiency Code for Building Construction. The rule amendment, anticipated to take effect on October 1, 2008, enhances the energy performance of new construction in Florida. As applied to residential construction, the Commission will consider the efficiency levels for duct systems, windows and the relative area of glass to floor space. As applied to commercial construction, the Commission will consider updating the Code’s requirements to be consistent with ANSI/ASHRAE 90.1 – 2007, Energy Efficient Design of New Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, and ASHRAE Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small Office Buildings. The Commission may also consider any other method or means to increase energy efficiency required by the Code. The Commission will also consider changes to the Code to clarify current requirements and address any inconsistencies. The rule also anticipates repealing an outdated reference to the effective date.