
Updates the moral character violations for an officer’s failure to maintain good moral character; grants additional equivalency of training exemptions in Commission rules and on the Equivalency of Training form CJSTC-76 and Equivalency of Training Proficiency Demonstration form CJSTC76A; adds language to the Affidavit of Separation form CJSTC-61 to require a written documentation of an officer/instructor’s internal or criminal investigation upon separation of employment and revises the Oath to comply with Section 117.05(13)(a), F.S.; revises the rules and the Firearms Law Enforcement Officer Qualification Standard form CJSTC-86B to allow an extension to complete the required bi-annual Firearms Qualification Standard due to chronic illness and revises the Oath on form CJSTC-86B to comply with Section 117.05(13)(a), F.S.; adds Section 901.36(1), F.S., to the penalty guidelines for the violation of “using a false name or false identification by a person arrested or lawfully detained”; adds as an aggravating circumstance, the revocation of an officer’s certification for cases where a respondent has been notified and failed to answer the Administrative Complaint or failed to respond to the allegations of misconduct alleged by the Commission; and housekeeping revisions on the Affidavit of Separation Supplement form 61A.