
Updates the procedures for taking charge of a body, recording the findings and conclusions of the death in the permanent records, relinquishing charge of a body, fetal deaths and remains, amends the procedures for deaths as a result of traffic accident, who to notify when a body is released, removes inaccurate rule language and statute references, and makes grammatical corrections. Updates the procedures for identifying unidentified bodies, identifying fetal remains, clarifies existing rule language, and makes grammatical revisions. Updates the procedures for determining the cause and circumstances of a death, release of human remains, and performing autopsies. Clarifies that research during investigation of a death is prohibited; relocates text to another rule section, deletes unnecessary rule language, renames a rule paragraph to better describe the paragraph’s contents, makes grammatical revisions, provide guidelines for the retention and destroying of organs, tissues, sections, or fluids. Makes grammatical corrections, adds additional information for official records that shall be maintained by the district medical examiner, and revises the information required for autopsy reports. Updates the Medical Examiners Commission’s Practice Guidelines incorporated into Rule 11G-2.006, F.A.C., by reference.