The meeting agenda will consist of approval of minutes of the State Board meeting held January 18, 2011, and updates on various reports and status of education initiatives by the Chairman and Commissioner. The Commissioner’s Report will include the following items: Status of Compliance and Implementation of Differentiated Accountability and a Five-Year Business Plan for the Implementation of Digital Content. Items for consideration include action relating to the following rules: Rule 6A-1.099824, F.A.C., Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Low Performing Provider Good Cause Exemption; Rule 6A-6.03312, F.A.C., Discipline Procedures for Students with Disabilities; Rule 6A-6.0333, F.A.C., Surrogate Parents; Rule 6A-6.0361, F.A.C., Contractual Agreements with Nonpublic Schools and Residential Facilities; Repeal of Rule 6A-6.084, F.A.C., Adult Fees in School Districts; Rules relating to the Apprenticeship Programs: Rule 6A-23.003, F.A.C., Eligibility and Procedure for Bureau Registration; Rule 6A-23.004, Standards of Apprenticeship; Rule 6A-23.006, F.A.C., Deregistration of Bureau Registered Program; Rule 6A-23.010, F.A.C., Preapprenticeship Programs; and New Rule 6A-23.011, F.A.C., Program Performance Standards. Other items for consideration include: Approval of Critical Teacher Shortage Areas for 2011-12; Appointment of Margaret Jan Graham to the Education Practices Commission; Charter School Appeals: College Preparatory Academy of the Treasure Coast, Inc. vs. St. Lucie County School Board; Imagine at Osceola, Inc. vs. Osceola County School Board; Florida Learning Project, Inc. vs. Orange County School Board; Approval of Waiver to Rule 6A-1.039, F.A.C., as requested by Miami-Dade County School Board; Approval of College of Central Florida’s Request for New Site Designation of the West Marion Special Purpose Center; Approval of Policy Relating to College Readiness Definition; and Approval of Reorganization of Distance Learning. The item for discussion will be a comparison of the USDA proposed rule relating to school nutrition, Institute of Medicine Standards, recommendations of First Lady Michelle Obama related to the Let’s Move initiative, and State Board of Education Rule 6A-7.0411, F.A.C.