
The proposed rulemaking amends existing rules governing the process for the resolution of reimbursement disputes between workers’ compensation carriers and health care providers, creates a new rule, and repeals an existing rule. Changes proposed include: amending Rule 69L-31.005, F.A.C., to provide greater detail regarding the materials that must accompany a petition for dispute resolution (Petition Form); amending Rule 69L-31.008, F.A.C., to clarify the computation of the time period within which a Petition Form must be submitted to the Division, to increase the time period for the submission of a Petition Form from 30 days to 45 days, to add the website address for the Division’s Web Portal, and to provide additional guidance regarding the electronic submission of a Petition Form; amending Rule 69L-31.009, F.A.C., to increase the time period for a carrier to respond to a petition from 10 days to 30 days; repealing Rule 69L-31.012, F.A.C.; and creating Rule 69L-31.016, F.A.C., to address penalties for improper reimbursement and billing practices. Revisions to certain rule titles are proposed to more accurately reflect the subject matter or issues addressed by the rule. Other changes proposed include minor edits and the adoption of revised forms.