
The proposed Chapter 5F-2, F.A.C., establishes minimum octane rating requirements for gasoline sold, distributed, offered for sale or offered for distribution at retail gas stations; establishes a minimum motor octane number for gasoline with an octane rating of 87 or higher; is amended to reflect an anticipated lowering by ASTM International of the minimum vapor pressure requirement for all classes of E85 fuel ethanol permissible for sale in Florida; is amended to reduce the maximum amount of water permissible in storage tanks containing ethanol and biodiesel fuels and their respective blended products from two inches to one quarter inch; is amended to clarify disposition of gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, fuel oils and alternative fuels and modify the disposition of such fuels resulting from proposed changes herein. Also, clarify and transfer references for penalty prohibitions for specified violations to Rule 5F-2.016, F.A.C.; is amended to remove the prohibition for penalty from the discovery of water and/or suspended matter in referenced fuels; is amended to only warrant penalties for vapor pressure violations over 11.0 psi, from June 1 through September 15 of each calendar year; is amended to reference forms used when fuel types in this section are found to be substandard; is amended to reference forms used in the disposition of all listed fuel types in this section; is amended to reference forms used in the discovery of improperly labeled petroleum fueling devices; is amended to reference forms used in the removal of inaccurate measuring devices, devices without inspection stickers, and improperly functioning measuring devices from service; is amended to describe the requirements for manufacturers, terminal suppliers, wholesalers, and importers of petroleum fuel distributing and/or selling petroleum fuel in this state and the party responsible for submitting the petroleum inspection fee; is amended to further clarify ethanol dispenser labeling requirements; is amended to add labeling language to M85 fuel methanol products to more clearly and conspicuously notify consumers that methanol blended products are not necessarily compatible with all flex fuel vehicles; is amended to describe the process and requirements for individuals wishing to register with the Department as a meter mechanic; adopts the current version of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Handbook 44; establishes requirements for persons or service agencies installing new petroleum measuring devices to notify the Department within ten (10) days of installation; is amended to state that the Department may revoke or suspend a registration issued under Chapter 525, F.S., as a means of penalty for violations of the laws and rules adopted by the Department; is amended to update and enhance the fine matrix for violations of Chapter 525, F.S.; update the ASTM International fuel quality specification designations for gasoline, diesel fuels, fuel oils, and biodiesel; adopt by reference newly published standards for biodiesel blends (with diesel fuel) for concentrations of 6% to 20% biodiesel.