
● Consider the adoption of a Bond Resolution authorizing the issuance of not exceeding $45,000,000 in principal amount of revenue bonds of the Authority in one or more series for the purpose of making a loan to Rollins College in order to finance or refinance educational facilities thereof; such Bond Resolution will approve the forms of the bond documents, including but not limited to an Indenture of Trust, a Loan Agreement and an offering statement, award the sale of the Bonds to the underwriter designated by Rollins College, authorize all actions necessary to be taken by the officers of the Authority for the issuance of said bonds, and make certain findings and provide further details with respect to said revenue bonds; ● Hold a public hearing with respect to the contemplated issuance by the Authority of up to $22,000,000 in principal amount of its revenue bonds in order to fund a loan to Saint Leo College Incorporated to finance construction of a new school of business, a residence hall, a parking garage and related utility improvements at Saint Leo College’s campus; and ● Any other matters that may come before the University.