
Adopt Guidelines for Development of SUS 2010-2011 Legislative Budget Request, Operating and Fixed Capital Outlay; Discussion of Appropriate and Predictable Funding; Update, Economic Stimulus Package; Legislative Budget Update, 2009-2010; Approve, Amended SUS Fixed Capital Outlay Legislative Budget Request, 2009-2010; Approve Resolution authorizing the Issuance by the UWF Foundation, Inc., of Tax-exempt Debt Bonds to Finance the Construction of a Student Residence Facility, Main Campus, UWF; Update, PECO Acceleration, Barriers for Policy Consideration; Approve, Notice of Intent, BOG Regulations Chapter 21, Campus Master Planning; Discussion, Builder vs. Owner at Risk Insurance; Approval, Auxiliary Facilities with Bond Covenants requiring approval of 2009-2010 Operating Budgets; Space Utilization Annual Report; Professional Science Masters Degree; Notice of Intent to repeal, BOG Regulation 12.001, Florida Solar Energy Center; Notice of Intent to Amend, BOG Regulation 6.016, Summer Session Enrollment; Review status, Florida Energy Systems Consortium; Medical Education Funding; Termination, Ph.D., Engineering Mechanics, UF; Presentation, Distance Learning Task Force Report; Final Approval, BOG Regulation 17.001, Administration of Leasing Program; Presentation, ExpertNet and Economic Development Initiatives; Approve, Audit Committee Charter; Final Approval, BOG Regulation 1.001, Boards of Trustees Powers and Duties; Final Approval, BOG Regulation 8.003, Textbook Adoption; and other matters pertaining to the Board of Governors.