
This is a meeting of the Advisory Council to the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund to obtain approval to file Rules 19-8.010 F.A.C. (Reimbursement Contract) and 19-8.012, F.A.C. (Procedures to Determine Ineligibility for Participation in the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund and to Determine Exemption from Participation in the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund due to Limited Exposure) for Notice of Change and Rules 19-8.013 (Revenue Bonds Issued Pursuant to Section 215.555(6), F.S.), 19-8.029, F.A.C. (Insurer Reporting Requirements), and Rule 19-8.030, F.A.C. (Insurer Responsibilities) for adoption, to discuss the premium formula for the 2008/2009 Contract Year and to vote on the filing of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking as to Rule 19-8.028, F.A.C. (Reimbursement Premium Formula), and to engage in other general business of the Council.