General SUS Facilities information; Resolution of the Board of Governors requesting the Division of Bond Finance of the State Board of Administration of Florida to issue Revenue Bonds to finance construction of an apartment style residence hall, main campus, FAU; Resolution of the Board of Governors authorizing the issuance by the Florida Gulf Coast University Financing Corporation of Tax-exempt bonds to finance the construction of a Student Residence, main campus, FGCU; Resolution of the Board of Governors authorizing the issuance by the Florida Gulf Coast University Financing Corporation of Tax-exempt bonds to finance the construction of a Parking Garage, main campus, FGCU; Amended 2008-2009 Fixed Capital Outlay Legislative Budget Request; 2009-2010 Legislative Budget Request Guidelines; Auxiliary Facilities with Bond Covenants requiring approval of 2008-2009 Operating Budgets; and Appropriate and Predictable Funding.