Report, Emergency Preparedness and Campus Safety Task Force; Report, Mental Health Issues Subcommittee of the Student Affairs Committee; Approval, BOG Regulation 6.006, Acceleration Mechanisms, and BOG Regulation, Vaccinations against Meningococcal Meningitis and Hepatitis B; Johnnie B. Byrd, Sr., Alzheimer's Center and Research Institute; Medical Education Update; Report, Task Force on FAMU Finance and Operational Control Issues; Approval, Faculty Practice Plan, UCF College of Medicine; Notice of Intent to Amend BOG Regulation 9.017, Faculty Practice Plans; Approval, BOG Regulation 1.005, Public Meeting Requirements, and BOG Regulation 1.006, Conflicts of Interest; Enrollment Realignment and Impact of budget and demographic trends on 5-year enrollment plans; Legislative Update; Update, e-learning and distance education; Approval of Board of Governors Resolutions: Requesting the Division of Bond Finance of the State Board of Administration of Florida to issue Revenue Bonds to finance construction of an apartment style residence hall, main campus, FAU; Authorizing the issuance by the Florida Gulf Coast University Financing Corporation of Tax-exempt bonds to finance the construction of a Parking Garage, main campus, FGCU; and Authorizing the issuance by the Florida Gulf Coast University Financing Corporation of Tax-exempt bonds to finance the construction of a Student Residence Facility, main campus, FGCU; Amend the 2008-2009 Fixed Capital Outlay Legislative Budget Request; Consideration of 2009-2010 Legislative Budget Request Guidelines; Auxiliary Facilities with Bond Covenants requiring Approval of 2008-2009 Operating Budgets; Appropriate and Predictable Funding; Approval BOG Regulations: Amended BOG Regulation 9.004, Razing of Buildings, Amended BOG Regulation 9.005, Naming of Buildings, Amended BOG Regulation 14.002, Construction Definitions, Amended BOG Regulation 14.004, Public Announcement and Qualification Procedure, Amended BOG Regulation 14.005, Certification and Competitive Selection of Architects/Engineering, Amended BOG Regulation 14.007, Competitive Negotiation, Amended BOG Regulation 14.018, Contracting Authority for Construction Contracts, Amended BOG Regulation 14.020, University Supervision of Construction Program, Amended BOG Regulation 14.021, Procedures for Construction Contract Bidding and Award, Amended BOG Regulation 14.022, Disqualification Procedures, Amended BOG Regulation 14.023, Notice and Protest Procedures, Amended BOG Regulation 14.025, Action required Prior to Capital Outlay Appropriation, BOG Regulation 18.001, Purchasing Regulations, BOG Regulation 18.002, Notice and Protest Procedures, BOG Regulation 18.003, Bonding Requirements; Amended BOG Regulation 9.019, University Major Gifts Challenge Grant Program; Approve Repeal of BOG Regulations: BOG Regulation 10.009, Smoking in Public Buildings, BOG Regulation 6C-18.030, Statement of Intent, BOG Regulation 6C-18.035, Definitions, BOG Regulation 6C-18.040, Purchasing Authority of the Institutions, BOG Regulation 6C-18.045, Competitive Solicitations Required, BOG Regulation 6C-18.050, Purchase of Commodities or Contractual Services, BOG Regulation 6C-18.055, Bonds, BOG Regulation 6C-18.060, Contracts, BOG Regulation 6C-18.065, Standard of Conduct, and BOG Regulation 6C-18.070, Purchase of Motor Vehicles; and other matters pertaining to the Board of Governors.