
The proposed rule amendments will: (1) delete or update references to Rule Chapters 40C-4, 40C-40, 40C-42, and 40C-400, and the Applicant’s Handbooks and conform them to the statewide ERP rules; (2) simplify the District’s ERP fees categories and conform them to those in the statewide ERP rules; (3) revise the ERP fee amounts as needed based on the revised fee categories, with the intent of not increasing regulatory costs, provide a fee exemption for applications for a 62-330 permit by the U.S. Department of Defense, provide free verification of a noticed exemption for certain minor silvicultural systems authorized under 62-330.0511, and create a limited grandfathering provision for the fee to modify a 40C-4, 40C-40, or 40C-42 permit; and (4) make other necessary conforming changes to reflect adoption of the statewide ERP rules.