
The proposed revisions establish QA standards for the collection and analysis of water quantity data in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 403.0623(2)(a) and (b), Florida Statutes, enacted under Chapter 2016-01, Laws of Florida. Additionally, QA rule revisions are proposed to update DEP SOPs and address miscellaneous, minor revisions. The Department conducted public workshops on September 28 and September 29, 2016, in Tallahassee and Orlando, respectively. OTHER RULES INCORPORATING THESE RULES: Chapter 62-160, F.A.C., is referenced by the following rules: Rules 62-4.020, 62-4.246, 62-110.104, 62-302.300, 62-302.533, 62-302.540, 62-303.200, 62-303.320, 62-303.330, 62-303.350, 62-303.420, 62-303.430, 62-303.460, 62-303.470, 62-330.411, 62-330.412, 62-330.441, 62-344.400, 62-344.500, 62-520.600, 62-528.300, 62-550.550, 62-550.821, 62-555.315, 62-555.340, 62-550.350, 62-600.200, 62-610.320, 62-610.463, 62-610.568, 62-610.865, 62-620.610, 62-620.620, 62-625.420, 62-625.600, 62-673.320, 62-673.340, 62-701.200, 62-701.310, 62-701.330, 62-701.510, 62-709.530, 62-713.510, 62-737.200, 62-737.800, 62-780.220, 62-780.300, 62-780.600, 62-780.900, F.A.C. EFFECT ON THOSE OTHER RULES: The proposed amendments are not expected to have significant effects on other rules. Certain provisions in the proposed rules provide greater flexibility for data providers that should allow for better efficiency and minor cost savings.