
The rule implements the requirements of the Florida Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act that the Public Service Commission adopt appropriate efficiency and conservation goals for electric utilities and approve utility plans and programs to meet those goals. The amendments bring into the goal-setting phase a greater focus on the potential conservation programs that could be offered to customers in order to reach a utility’s approved goals. The amendments clarify the evidence upon which the Commission will base the goals and how the Commission will gather the information necessary to develop and assess potential goals. Specifically, utilities will be required to provide projected savings and goals developed under two cost-effectiveness scenarios where each scenario requires a different combination of cost-effectiveness test to be applied. The amendments also codify and clarify the technical potential study to be conducted by electric utilities and filed for the Commission to evaluate in developing the goals. Additionally, the amendments provide that utilities must provide with goal projections the estimated annual demand and energy savings from potential demand-side management programs and the estimated annual program costs. Other amendments to the rule update the language for clarity and consistency.