
The rule addresses the following subject matter areas: Revise form number DBPR PMW-3400 to require applicants to include a complete set of fingerprints and the completed form DBPR PMW-3460. In addition, add the authorization for the release of information and include a requirement for the applicant’s training plan for the Compulsive or Addictive Gambling Prevention Program. Create form for the annual renewal of slot machine licenses numbered as DBPR PMW-3405 and titled Permitholder Renewal Application for Annual Slot Machine License Renewal. Revise form number DBPR PMW-3410 by removing “NAPRA checked” and “Other Gaming Jurisdiction checked” check boxes under the section titled ‘For Division Use Only.” Revise form number DBPR PMW-3420 to include a “Testing Laboratory” check box under the section titled “Type of Slot Machine Business License(s) you are applying for:” and include the price of fees for each license type under section titled “Number of Years.” Under the section titled “To be completed by all applicants” replace the section for an alternate phone number with a section for a fax number. Remove the “NAPRA checked” and “Other Gaming Jurisdiction checked” check boxes under the section titled “For Division Use Only.” Revise instructions regarding submission and maintenance of form DBPR PMW-3430, entitled Business Entity Internal Control Information. Designate form DBPR PMW-3435, entitled Affidavit of Truth, to accompany form number DBPR PMW-3430 pursuant to Rule 61D-14.060, F.A.C. Revise form DBPR PMW-3440, entitled Professional or Business Employee Supplemental Information, to include in the section titled “Personal Data” the applicant’s sex, color of eyes, hair color, height, weight and a description of any distinguishing features including scars or tattoos. Citizenship and passport information has also been added to the form. Remove “NAPRA checked” and “Other Gaming Jurisdiction checked” check boxes under the section titled “For Division Use Only” on form number DBPR PMW-3450. Revise form number DBPR PMW-3460 to have section titled “Attest Statement” include a separate area for permitting the release of criminal information and an area for permitting regulatory agencies to release information. Designate form number DBPR PMW-3470, entitled Surety Bond for Florida Slot Machine Licensee, for the purposes of requiring licensees to obtain a surety bond in order to receive a license. Designate form number DBPR PMW-3900, entitled Slot Machine and Component Application for Movement, to track the movements of slots into, out of and within the state of Florida, pursuant to Proposed Rules 61D-14.096, 61D-14.097 and 61D-14.098, F.A.C. Designate form number DBPR PMW-3910, entitled Slot Machine and Component Movement Record, in order to accurately record the movements of slots into, out of and within the state of Florida, pursuant to Proposed Rules 61D-14.096, 61D-14.097 and 61D-14.098, F.A.C. Update form number DBPR PMW-3660, entitled Slot Operations Monthly Remittance Report, to remove column for total credits in and total credits out, add day of week and provide updated formula for computation. Update form number DBPR PMW-3670, entitled Slot Operations Cumulative Monthly Remittance Report, to remove column for total credits in and total credits out, and provide updated formula for computation.