
Change in the annual submission of required Financial Reports from DOE to BOG; State Universities Audit Council: Report on Best Practices for Audit Committees and Internal Auditors; 2005-06 Update on Completed Financial Statement Audits; Discussion of performance measures: Targeted degrees; Compilation of doctoral degrees; Final action on Regulations: Academic Program Authorization, Academic Program Termination, Limited Access, Exception to the 120 Credit Hour Requirement for Baccalaureate Programs, Academic Program Review, Academic Learning Compacts; Review Regulations proposed for Notice; Approve degree programs: DPT at FIU, UCF, UNF, and the DNP at UNF; Discussion of Limited Access Programs; Status Report on Forward by Design project; Approve debt management policies for UWF, FSU, NC, UNF, and FAMU; Authorize release of funds from University Concurrency Trust Fund, FAMU; 2008-09 Fixed Capital Outlay and Operating Budget Guidelines; Amend 2007-08 Fixed Capital Outlay Legislative Budget Request; Approve Operating Budgets for Auxiliary Facilities with Bond Covenants requiring Approval; Consideration of acquisition/ construction of a statewide Coastal Ocean Research Vessel for the Florida Institute of Oceanography; Discussion of Medical Education, including LCME accreditation and update on UCF and FIU new medical schools; Ratification of the appointment of a new President, FAMU; Best Practices report from the Council of Administrative and Financial Affairs; Legislative Report; Update on lawsuit, Floridians for Constitutional Integrity, Inc., et al.; action items brought forward from Board Committees; and other matters pertaining to the Board of Governors.