
The rule is revised to allow for the driver license exam to be changed from two 20 question exams to one 50 question exam, clarifies that if an applicant is unable to read, the exam will be provided orally, requires that the exact same questions be used if exam is given orally, clarifies that Third Party Administrators of the Driver License Exam may not provide the questions orally, removed language capping the amount paid for an interpretor, removes language that requires the Driver License/Tax Collector office to readminister vision exam and instead requires a report from an eye specialist, clarifies which vehicle safety standards will be inspected prior to the driving exam being adminsitered, removes language about the department impounding a vehicle if it is not found safe to adminster the exam, clarifies that in the event of a crash, dangerous driving action, traffic law violation, or lack of cooperation or refusal to follow directions on the part of the applicant, the test will be terminated and the applicant disqualified, clarifies that a driver who is unable to pass the driving portion of the exam after five attempts within a one year period, will be suspended as incompetent to drive for one year following the fifth exam. Repeals several rules in this Chapter as they have been codified in statute.