
Chapter 62-716, Florida Administrative Code, contains regulations for solid waste grant applications, and annual solid waste and recycling reporting requirements for counties and public-sector entities. The forms for small county consolidated grant applications are being updated in this proposed rulemaking. The rule is also being revised to require electronic submission of the annual solid waste and recycling reporting forms for the counties and the public-sector entities. The rule establishes the methods and criteria to be used by counties and public-sector entities in calculating and reporting their recycling rates. Changes to this rule will amend the methods and criteria counties use in calculating and reporting their recycling rates. Public sector entities (such as state and local government agencies) are required to annually report to counties how much material they recycle using the Department's designated reporting format. Private businesses are encouraged, but not require to annually report to counties how much material they recycle using the Department's designated reporting format. This chapter is being amended to include changes to the reporting formats and processes for both the public sector and the private businesses. The Legislature also created a voluntary certification program for materials recovery facilities. The chapter is being amended to include the qualifications for materials recovery facilities certification and the application form for certification. Rule 62-716.300- General Grant Application Requirements- This section is being repealed and the relevant information is being moved to Section 62-716.500, F.A.C. Rule 62-716.310- Disbursement of Funds– This section is being repealed and the relevant information is being moved to Section 62-716.500, F.A.C. Rule 62-716.450- Solid Waste Annual Reports– The reporting process is being updated to require submission of the reports electronically using the designated forms. Counties that are requesting additional recycling credits are required to submit verifiable supporting documentation. Rule 62-716.460- Annual Recycling Reports- The reporting process is being updated to require submission of the reports electronically using the designated forms and systems. Rule 62-716.470 -Voluntary Certification Program for Materials Recovery Facilities– This section changes the name of the form. Rule 62-716.480 - Methods and Criteria for Calculating County Recycling Rates– Certain byproducts from road building or maintenance are being removed from what will be included in municipal solid waste reporting. Rule 62-716.500 - Specific Small County Consolidated Grant Application Requirements– The population of qualifying counties is increased to 110,000. Changes are being made to the application process and form names. Updating the locations to get and submit the application forms. The section regarding grantee qualifications is included from Rule 62-716.310, F.A.C.