
Rule Chapter 69L-24, F.A.C., is being amended to concurrently repeal and replace all existing rules with new rules which have been restructured and renumbered to promote clarity regarding the establishment of uniform guidelines under which the Department of Financial Services, Division of Workers’ Compensation will monitor, audit and investigate regulated entities to ensure compliance with statutory obligations under Chapter 440, Florida Statutes. The proposed rules provide guidance to regulated entities regarding requirements to provide timely payment of workers’ compensation benefits to injured workers, to timely pay medical bills to providers, and to timely report workers’ compensation data to the Department. Regulated entities include but are not limited to insurers, service companies, third-party administrators, self-serviced self-insured employers or funds, managing general agents, and data submitters that are responsible for adjusting workers’ compensation claims or submitting information and data regarding those claims to the Department. The purpose and effect is also to establish uniform guidelines to penalize regulated entities for failure to provide timely payment of workers’ compensation benefits to injured workers, for failure to timely pay medical bills to providers, and for failure to timely report workers’ compensation information or data to the Department, based on findings made during the process of monitoring, auditing and investigating those regulated entities.