The purpose of these workshops is to solicit public input on possible changes to the Commission’s tarpon rules (Chapter 68B-32, F.A.C.) and bonefish rules (Chapter 68B-34, F.A.C.). Specifically, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission will be gathering public comments on a proposal to make tarpon and bonefish catch and release only throughout Florida’s state and federal waters. Possible provisions of the proposal include eliminating the allowance for a tarpon bag limit and replacing it with an allowance for harvest or possession of a single tarpon in conjunction with a tarpon tag only for the purpose of pursuing an International Game Fish Association (IGFA) record, limiting the fishing gears allowed for use when targeting tarpon to hook and line only, creating stricter reporting requirements for any tarpon tag purchased, extending existing and proposed tarpon regulations into federal waters, and eliminating the existing bonefish tournament exemption permit that allows registered tournament anglers to possess a bonefish for the purposes of transporting it to the tournament scale. The proposal also includes an allowance for temporary possession of both tarpon and bonefish for the purposes of photography, measurement, weighing, or collecting scientific samples.