
The Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida is proposing the establishment of an Erosion Control Line (ECL), pursuant to Section 161.161, Florida Statutes. The meeting time of 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM will include time for both a public workshop and a public hearing. The workshop is the public’s opportunity to ask questions about the proposed erosion control line. The hearing is the public’s opportunity to comment on, speak in support of, object to, and submit for consideration material relevant to the methodology used for locating the proposed erosion control line for the Flagler County Coastal Storm Risk Management Project (USACE Project), between DEP range monuments R080 - R094 and is associated with DEP permit # 0378136-001-JC. The hearing will also be the public’s opportunity to comment on, speak in support of, object to, and submit for consideration material relevant to the methodology used for locating the proposed erosion control line for the Flagler County’s, Dune/Beach Restoration Project, between DEP range monuments R068 – R100 (three segments) and is associated with DEP permit # 0379716-001-JC. Also provided is a link to the mean high water line surveys/ proposed erosion control lines for both projects.