The rulemaking will provide for uniform rules for application within the Central Florida Water Initiative Area on the following topics: 1. A single, uniform definition of the term “harmful to the water resources” consistent with the term’s usage in s. 373.219; 2. A single method for calculating residential per capita water use; 3. A single process for permit reviews; 4. A single, consistent process, as appropriate, to set minimum flows and minimum water levels and water reservations; 5. A goal for residential per capita water use for each consumptive use permit; and 6. An annual conservation goal for each consumptive use permit consistent with the regional water supply plan. In addition, the rule will include a process by which the agency may grant variances to the uniform rules based on unique circumstances or hydrogeological factors that make application of the uniform rules unrealistic or impractical. Finally, the rule will include existing recovery strategies within the Central Florida Water Initiative Area adopted before July 1, 2016. The recovery strategies meeting that description are the Dover/Plant City and Southern Water Use Caution Area Recovery Strategies.