
Rule 68-5.004, F.A.C., (Amnesty for Persons Relinquishing Non-native Pets) would be amended to allow the transfer of unlicensed reptiles of concern to properly licensed recipients. Current rule language allows unlicensed wildlife to be transferred to a recipient only at nonnative pet amnesty day events, to a state or county wildlife control agency, or through confiscation by a law enforcement officer. Since January 1, 2008 a $100 annual permit is required to possess reptiles of concern, and many reptile of concern owners have decided to relinquish their animals. There are few amnesty day events held around the state each year, and wildlife control agencies are not required to accept unwanted reptiles of concern. The proposed rule change would allow reptile of concern license holders to legally accept unlicensed reptiles of concern at any time of the year. This will provide outlets for these unwanted nonnative animals and help prevent their being released.