
Hillsborough River Basin Board Meeting: Consideration of Basin business including Basin Board review of Cooperative Funding proposals and associated budgetary implications, and the amendment of the Hillsborough River Basin fiscal year (FY) 2009 budget to include $455,000 in unanticipated revenue from the State’s Water Management Lands Trust Fund (WMLTF) to implement projects in the District’s Surface Water Improvement and Management Program. This would include the MacDill AFB Ecosystem Restoration project for $125,000; 30th and Hillsborough Water Quality Improvement project for $200,000; Robles Park Water Quality and Natural Systems Improvement project for $112,500; and Biennial Seagrass Mapping of Tampa Bay, Sarasota Bay and Charlotte Harbor project for $17,500. The proposed amendment will result in a $455,000 increase in the FY2009 budget of the Hillsborough River Basin from $20,343,824 to $20,798,824 to reflect the additional revenue from the WMLTF, with no impact on Basin ad valorem taxes. Ad Order 23856.